Hi, I am Maxence Leguéry

I am a french engineering student specialized in computer science

About Me

  • Name : Maxence Leguéry
  • Age :
  • Occupation : Engineering student in computer science
  • University : ENSTA Paris


2021 - 2024
Master of science in engineering, ENSTA Paris, Palaiseau, France

Top 10 Graduate school of engineering in France
Multiple courses : Sciences, language, economics, culture
Specialization in computer science (Pytorch, OpenCV, Machine Learning, Deep Learning)

2019 - 2021
CPGE PTSI-PT*, Lycée Gustave Eiffel, Bordeaux, France

Advanced Physics and Mathematics Class
2 years of intense preparation for application to graduate schools

2016 - 2019
Baccalauréat S, Lycée Fernand Daguin, Mérignac, France

French national academic qualification after secondary education
Graduated with honor


Sep 2023 -
Feb 2024
Research Internship U2IS, ENSTA Paris, Palaiseau, France

Deep learning : Uncertainty estimation and bayesian neural networks.

June 2023 -
Aug 2023
Research Internship CPHT, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France

General relativity : Quasinormal modes of different spaces-time and numerical resolution.
[Quasinormal modes in curved spaces-time]

Jan 2022 -
Jan 2023
Vice-President Technimage

Vice-President of the audiovisual club of ENSTA Paris.
Awarded best scenario with the Technimage team at Le Rush 2022 organized at CentraleSupélec.

July 2022
Internship Alsymex Laseris

Defense & Security, Energy, Aeronautics & Space and Large Scientific Instruments.
Work in cleanroom.
Preparation for the implementation of a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS).

May 2022
Volunteer organizer TFJM²

French Tournament for Young Mathematicians.
Organization of the TFJM² final at ENSTA Paris.



I am capable of using C or C++ to develop optimized algorithms to solve various problems. I have the basic knowledge to understand how the compilator works and how it is executed on the processor.
I also know about object-oriented programming and parallel computing with librairies such as OpenMPI.


I have experience with Pytorch (Machine Learning) and OpenCV (Computer Vision).


I have experience with Javascript in the context of web development (HTML, CSS) and NodeJS (Discord, Twitch API).


I have experience with Cuda (Cuda C++) as I write my own ray tracing algorithm accelerated with GPU.


I know how to use Matlab and its capabilities in terms of vectorized computing.


I am familiar with the Linux operating systems.


C++ Raytracer

Build a 3D environment, add faces with vertices and finally render the image using Nvidia Cuda.

FixMatch algorithm

FixMatch algorithm written in Python using the Pytorch workflow on the CIFAR10 database.

3D Tetris

3D version of the famous game : Tetris. Written in C++ using OpenGL.


